
Showing posts from September, 2020

Defragmentation - Part 2 (How to??)

In this article, we will see how practically we can defragment a disk on our computer. For this, we don’t need any 3 rd party software instead we are going to use a native Windows application, which is installed along with our Operating System. For this type “defrag” in our start menu to launch “Defragment and Optimize Drives” application. This can also be launched through the command prompt by typing “defrag” in the command window. Press enter to launch the application and you will find the window similar to the one below. We shall see about few settings here. 1.       Change Settings On click of this we can schedule the defragmentation to happen automatically in a defined frequency of either daily, weekly or monthly depending on the usage and storage of your hard disk drives.     We can also choose the drives to be defragmented in this defined frequency by selecting “Choose”.       2.       Analyze : This op...

Disk Defragmentation - Part 1 (What is?)

  In this article, we are going to see what defragmentation in our Computer is. I will cover it up in 2 parts. Part 1: What is defragmentation? And why should we do it? Part 2: How to defragment a disk? Part 1: Today we use systems with huge disk space. But do we care or know how our data is getting written up inside our computers? Before we decode the term, defragmentation let us understand this first. We install a variety of programs (either native or 3rd party), store a variety of documents, videos, images, etc., in our systems. With those programs or files, we do multiple CRUD operations. CRUD – Create (Creating a file or installing a program), Read (Reading a file content, viewing a video, hearing a song stored in our system), Update (Update the file stored, editing a video, repairing the installed program to add some features), and Delete (Delete the files stored, uninstalling a program, etc.,). With each of these operations, there is a significant amount of chang...


 Wait!! What? Loxodonta? - Don't befog. I will explain it to you... Today we are going to see about a very big personality. He is so good at heart and humble as well. But the above statement holds true until he is teased. We can number people who do not like him. There is much more to say about him which is what we are going to confer today. By this time, you would have been wondering who is he? It is none other than our most beloved creature on earth “THE ELEPHANT”. Wow!! Who doesn’t like an Elephant? When we just think about it, we get a wonderful image of a majestic fellow with a long trunk and strong tusks right?    1.   Elephants are from the family Elephantidae. Elephants are known to be the largest land mammal.    2.   Currently, there are only 3 types of Elephants found on earth. a.   African Elephant b.   African Bush Elephant c.    Asian Elephant 3.      Elephants cannot be attacked easily...

Remove Password from PDF - Without uploading Online or 3rd Party tools

  Today in this article let us see how to un-protect the PDF which is password protected. I would like to give a disclaimer here that this is not magic and you cannot convert a PDF that is secured without knowing the password. Then what is the use of converting a PDF for which we already know what the password is to an unprotected one? Will it not further make our document vulnerable? I will explain the use case where you can use this method. Sometimes we might have to upload our Payslips which is password protected to Bank to which we are requesting a loan. At the time of uploading, we will clearly see a message from the bank website that the document which you upload must not be password protected. In this case, it is our document and we know the password. But banks have automated most of their systems including the verification of documents submitted online. For those automated systems to work the document should not be password protected. Also, think from your perspective. We...

Clear out those Junks !!

Hello !!  Let's see something interesting today. Who doesn't fantasizes about using a super-fast computer? I am not going to explain to you the use cases of computer and bore you down. We all know what it is and what it is capable of doing. But having a computer that is capable of doing something really fast is what we desire. Don't worry. It's not going to be too technical. I will explain to you step by step with screens.  Clearing temporary files … Wait !! What? Will clearing a temporary file speed up my system? – Yes. For this to be made clear, let us first understand what is a temporary file, how this is getting accumulated in the system, and how does it impact our system's performance. What is a Temporary file? Temporary files are also known as "foo" files. These files are created by our operating system when we are running a task on our systems. These files are needed when we use any programs or applications. These files serve as a temporary memory t...

What do we hunt for ?

  Well !! You are here just because you searched “Something”. Why do I say “Something” here? Our searches are not confined and defined. Do we know what we are searching for? – Sometimes “Yes” but in most cases, the answer is a “BIG NO”. Maybe that is the reason we are not getting contended with what we get out of our search. We have the answer to our search or for what we need in our inner consciousness. But we fail in making the right question for that answer. People who know to put up a correct question before their quest never fails to succeed. Why do we have to give so much buzz to something we search in our day-day life? Does it matter so much? Yes of course…. It does… Even it decides our path personally and professionally as well. People who went in search of their dreams conquered the world. Those triumphant people never stopped dreaming and more importantly never stopped searching and even more importantly never stopped to pause awhile in every milestone and question them...

Salutation !!

  Hello Everyone!! Warm welcome by a Common Man.  Before we jump into this channel of communication that’s going to last for years between us lets understand these three terms. What is being Convivial? – Being fun-filled. No need for explaining how important being fun in a stress-filled environment is. What is being Companionate? – Be my companion in sharing knowledge. Be a companion to others in sharing the knowledge gained here to your community.. What is being Cognitive? – Sharing Knowledge.Well, who is this Common Man? He is just another person whom you meet in your daily lives. He is not focussed on one single substance to discuss. That’s you right? Throughout the day we will not be interested to talk about either Cooking, Health, Sports, Technology, Movies, etc. alone. Just like a discussion between two friends this Blog or my YouTube channel is not going to focus on one entity. We shall talk about things starting from National Issues to how much of salt we need to...