What do we hunt for ?
Well !! You are here just because you
searched “Something”. Why do I say “Something” here? Our searches are not
confined and defined. Do we know what we are searching for? – Sometimes “Yes”
but in most cases, the answer is a “BIG NO”. Maybe that is the reason we are
not getting contended with what we get out of our search. We have the answer to
our search or for what we need in our inner consciousness. But we fail in
making the right question for that answer. People who know to put up a correct
question before their quest never fails to succeed.
Why do we have to give so much buzz to
something we search in our day-day life? Does it matter so much? Yes of
course…. It does… Even it decides our path personally and professionally as
well. People who went in search of their dreams conquered the world. Those
triumphant people never stopped dreaming and more importantly never stopped
searching and even more importantly never stopped to pause awhile in every
milestone and question themselves on what they are searching for is really what
they aspire for. They all catechize one lesson on their way. Never stop
questioning what you are searching for. It might diverge you from what you are
doing right now.
Have you wondered you focus your search on
something but end up discovering something else on the way for which you
searched for ages? Sometimes focusing too much on a substance will make us lose
out on tiny things that come our way. It's not wrong to hard focus on things
but never ignore the entities that come our way during our search. But never
stop at those small entities that come along your way during the long-haul
search. Interesting but befuddling is it? Let’s simplify things here. Don’t
stop anywhere for a long period in exchange for short-term benefits. Keep
chasing your answers.
We humans right from our birth search for
our mother till the death where our soul-less body searches for someone to
carry the last rituals, our search never ends. We begin our day searching for
our cellular beside our beds and we end our day searching for our lost sleep,
peace of mind, etc., Well, I mention something about “Peace of mind” is it? So
another question pops up on the way. Do searching for something makes us lose
our peace of mind? – Well, that depends on what we search for and how dedicated
are we in search of it. If we search for something that we aspire for with
dedication, for sure it gives us peace of mind rather than taking it away from
us. But if we keep day-dreaming and does not put our efforts towards what we
search and dream for, it makes us lose our peace of mind.
Are we the only species on this earth to
search for something in life? – No. All species in this universe keep searching
during their lifetime. Search here is also not confined and cannot be defined.
It may be for food, shelter, protection, love, vengeance, etc., But why is human search so complicated?
That’s because we don’t perform a focused search and we are not contented with
what we get out of it. Lion for instance searches for its prey. It is contended
with what it gets for its meal. Lion’s focus here is Prey and not how big it is
or how tasty it is. It’s great learning for humans from Animals to focus on
what we search and get contended with what we get. We must always be satisfied
with the effort that we put in our search towards the goal. What we get might
not sound best at that time but it is what we are destined to.
Search is where we begin our life with.
Throughout our precious lives, we keep searching but only a few succeed in
searching for the right thing at right time. So finally how can one be sure if
he is searching for the right entity? Well, I leave that to you for the debate
As Farrah Gray rightly said
“Build your own dreams or else someone will hire you to
build theirs”
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